No one likes to admit it, but money in politics matters. Ensure your voice has maximum impact and give to NEMPAC today!
New Mexico Medical Political Action Committee
Challenge Extended
The Day of Giving
The Physician Voice in Politics
What is NEMPAC?
NEMPAC is a nonpartisan, voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated committee of individual physicians. NEMPAC is a separate segregated fund of the New Mexico Medical Society.
NEMPAC organizes physicians for effective political action to promote civic responsibility and integrity in government.
NEMPAC supports candidates/officeholders who support the interest of physicians – those who help physicians provide efficient, high-quality healthcare while reducing burdens that impede upon patients receiving the healthcare they need.
Component Society Challenge
Raise the most $$
Help your component Society raise the most dollars!
Highest Percentage
Ensure your component Society has the highest percentage of members contribute!
At least $500
Ensure your component society has the highest percentage of members contribute at least $500
Medical Groups & Practices
Your practice can give as well! Ensure the practice contributes so it may win for largest contribution!
Biggest Donors
Component Society: Highest Total
Physicians from One Medical Practice
Component Society: Highest Percentage
Affiliated Medical Group
Business Entity
Highest Total
Eye Associates
Individual Contributions: $1,500 or more
Michael Kaufman; Joanna Hooper
Individual Contributions: $1,000-$1,499
Karen Vaillant; Ann Carolyn Linnebur; Tom Wulf;
Carrie Robin Brunder; Michelle Carr; Bill Ritchie; Diego Gonzalez; Antoine Jakiche; Michael Wagner; Todd Williams; Ian Power
Honorable Mentions
Denise Aamodt; Heather Brislen; Angela Bratton; Deepa Narayan Nadiga;
Lucas Schreiber; Howard Gogel; Gabrielle Adams; Andy Mason; Nikki Parker-Ray;
Mitch Schreiner; Angelina Villas-Adams;
Trent Taylor; Linday Uribe; Azadeh Fotouhie; Zorisadday Gonzalez; Paulino Rivera-Torres; Rebecca Leenheer; Allen McCulloch; Jason Espinoza; Annie Jung; Nick Autio; Jeffry Racca; James Randle Adair; Brandon Cometti; Claudia Maidana-Paz; Jospeh Alcorn; Steven Komadina; Robert White; Jemery Kaufman;
Debora van Willigen; Stacey Dimitt;
Margaret Charsley
Individual Contributions: