Comic Text Box

No one likes to admit it, but money in ​politics matters. Ensure your voice ​has maximum impact and give to ​NEMPAC today!

Doctor is warning

New Mexico Medical ​Political Action ​Committee

blank stamp

Challenge Extended

The Day of ​Giving

The Physician Voice in Politics

Simple Vibrant Textured Minimalist IV

What is NEMPAC?

NEMPAC is a nonpartisan, voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated committee of individual ​physicians. NEMPAC is a separate segregated fund of the New Mexico Medical Society.

NEMPAC organizes physicians for effective political action to promote civic responsibility ​and integrity in government.

NEMPAC supports candidates/officeholders who support the interest of physicians – ​those who help physicians provide efficient, high-quality healthcare while reducing ​burdens that impede upon patients receiving the healthcare they need.

Contraceptive Injection

Component Society Challenge


Ra​ise the most $$

Help your component Society ​raise the most dollars!

Hi​ghest Percentage

Ensure your component ​Society has the highest ​percentage of members ​contribute!

At​ least $500

Ensure your component ​society has the highest ​percentage of members ​contrib​ute at least $500

Medical Groups & ​Prac​tices

Your practice can give as well! ​Ensure the practice ​contributes so it may win for ​lar​gest contribution!

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Biggest Donors



Component Society:​ Highe​st Total

Physicians from One ​Medical Practice



Component Society: ​Highest Percentage

Affiliated Medical ​Group



Business Entity

Highest Total

Eye Associates

Individual ​Contributions: ​$1,500 or more

Michael Kaufman; Joanna Hooper

Individual ​Contributions: ​$1,000-$1,499

Karen Vaillant; Ann Carolyn Linnebur; Tom Wulf;

Carrie Robin Brunder; Michelle Carr; Bill Ritchie; Diego Gonzalez; ​Antoine Jakiche; Michael Wagner; Todd Williams; ​Ian Power

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Honorable Mentions



Denise Aamodt; Heather Brislen; Angela ​Bratton; Deepa Narayan Nadiga;

Lucas Schreiber; Howard Gogel; Gabrielle ​Adams; Andy Mason; Nikki Parker-Ray;

Mitch Schreiner; Angelina Villas-Adams;

Trent Taylor; Linday Uribe; Azadeh Fotouhie; ​Zorisadday Gonzalez; Paulino Rivera-Torres; ​Rebecca Leenheer; Allen McCulloch; Jason ​Espinoza; Annie Jung; Nick Autio; Jeffry Racca; ​James Randle Adair; Brandon Cometti; Claudia ​Maidana-Paz; Jospeh Alcorn; Steven Komadina; ​Robert White; Jemery Kaufman;

Debora van Willigen; Stacey Dimitt;

Margaret Charsley

Individual ​Contributions:


Total Raised September 9 -- $38,550

Doctor and nurse cartoon illustration

Contribute ​Today!​